Our worship services begin at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays morning and are held in the sanctuary. For our worship we use liturgies and hymns from the Lutheran Service Book and usually have children's message before the Sermon. Each week we celebrate the Lord's Supper and welcome all members of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) to join us for this gift. If you are from a church that is not a member of the LCMS we ask that you speak with Pastor Gary. We invite you to follow along in worship either using at screen or the worship handout and hymnal.
During Advent (before Christmas) and Lent (before Easter). These are usually shorter services held around noon and include lunch and a time of fellowship. We also have special services during Holy Week and on Christmas Eve.
Following our time of worship we have a fellowship and then a Bible Class from September through May.
During Advent (before Christmas) and Lent (before Easter). These are usually shorter services held around noon and include lunch and a time of fellowship. We also have special services during Holy Week and on Christmas Eve.
Following our time of worship we have a fellowship and then a Bible Class from September through May.